Sakhi Mandal is not only changing Lives, but Vibes..

Sakhi Mandal is not only changing Lives, but Vibes..
Confidence is one of the hidden assets earned by women of Sakhi Mandals. Now women of Sakhi Mandals are confident and no one can cheat them anymore. Among 100’s of example, Fagan Devi is one of them.
Life of Fagan Devi was never smooth as she took birth in a very poor family. Her family was so poor that they had to struggle for their daily bread. As belongs to a conservative family, she has never ever interacted to any stranger before and that made her an introvert. Again because of poor education she was misguided many times.
But there is a saying “Need is the mother of invention”. Her need of poverty elevation bring her out of house to join Sakhi Mandal (Lalita Sway Sewa Samuh). The idea of joining Sakhi Mandal was a life changer for her. But Joining Sakhi Mandal was also not an easy task, she had to go through a bunch of questions daily. But she was determined to change her life and actively participated in the activities of Sakhi Mandal. She developed a vision of entrepreneur and with the help of JSLPS she implemented the idea of earning through small scale enterprise. She demanded a loan of 5,000 Rs to establish a hotel in her village. Sakhi Mandal accepted her proposal and sanctioned a loan of RS 5,000 for her enterprise. She then started a hotel in her village only, her family members supported her and engaged themselves in running the hotel smoothly. Afterwards she required 4,000 Rs to expand her enterprise which she easily got from her SHG.
Owning a hotel and earning for livelihood is the change what world can see in her, but changes what Fagan Devi feels inside her is something more deep and surprising. She is confident, she is bold, she stands for what is right. She is a different Fagan Devi today. 
“Now I can speak for my rights in front of anyone and no one can misguide me anymore” –Says, Fagan Devi, Lalita Sway Sewa Samuh (B.O-Kanke).
She didn’t stop here, but she took another loan of Rs 11000 to repair auto rikshaw. Now she is a proud wife who gave employment to her husband with the help of Sakhi Mandal. Earlier her husband was a Raj mistri but now he is an Auto driver, which helped him to increase his earning.
Now Fagan Devi is successfully running the hotel and earning her livelihood. Now the lifestyle of Fagan Devi and her family has changed and she is now able to provide quality education to her children. She always motivates and aware other to join Sakhi Mandal and change their lifestyle.

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